
Social Media Effectiveness


Keen to discover how to use social media effectively to increase your client base and become more profitable?

How happy are you with your current

Social Media Approach ?

  • Are you seeing the lead generation you expect?

  • Are leads turning into new business on a regular basis?

  • Is managing your online presence too time-consuming?

  • Do you have a consistent social media strategy/plan?

Here's a summary of what I offer in this 

Free Social Media Review

  • Full review of current Social Media strategy

  • High-level report with with next-step recommendations

  • Introduction to exciting new Mobile Resume mobile app

  • Free eBook - 20 Ways to Increase Website Traffic in 2020  

About Michael Oliver

After 35 years of working in the finance industry, I was forced through redundancy into making a career change. So in early 2020, I set up an online agency specifically to help small local businesses improve their client reach and profitability. 

I don't consider myself your usual online consultant. I am just a normal guy who doesn't rely on confusing business language or fancy presentations to win (baffle!) clients. I guarantee I won't push the hard sell as that's definitely not my style. If a client is interested in pursuing a new idea all good, but if not we both move on.  

First and foremost my approach with clients is to strike up a working relationship which will be jointly beneficial over the long-term. The next step is to spend quality time talking to the clients to ensure I properly understand their business and to identify any known problem areas. Finally we then jointly agree on the resulting action plan and any associated priorities they may have.

I believe that honesty and transparency are crucial to the success of a relationship. For example, if I can't personally answer a question raised by a client, I will be the first to put my hand up to let them know that I will be reaching out to my wider network for a solution. Whilst clearly fairly new to this game, I am fully supported by a senior team of internet business experts who are on hand to offer assistance as required.   

My work approach is very simple. I commit to giving clients the required attention and focus to ensure any agreed deliveries are achieved in a timely manner.

Take the first step towards greater profitability TODAY 

Stay ahead of your competitors by signing up for the Free review 

2020 Michael Oliver Consulting. All Rights Reserved.